TCNJ-RTC Commencement Day
This year (2020) the TCNJ – RTC Departmental Commencement Ceremony will be held on Thursday, May 21st at 9am in the MAYO Concert Hall on TCNJ Campus.
This is the Departmental Ceremony for RTC graduates only. The Main TCNJ Ceremony will be held at 12 noon on May 21st. Full details will be sent.
The RTC departmental ceremony will begin promptly at 9:00 am. All graduates are required to line up no later than 8:30 a.m.
The commencement ceremony will take place in the MAYO Concert Hall.
For information, the link below will open a detailed document describing the day!
The 2020 RTC Departmental Commencement event is for:
- December 2019 graduates
- January 2020 graduates
- May 2020 graduates
- August 2020 graduates (with 6 or less credits to take in summer)
Please RSVP with the following information to
- Are you planning to attend (Yes, No or Maybe…we need to know)
- Number of guests you anticipate on bringing
- Yes or No as to whether any of your guests will need special accommodations (room for a wheelchair or isle seating)
If you have any questions, please call the Desk of the Graduate Assistant to Dr. Alan Amtzis at 609-771-2912.