Journals of Interest to Teachers and Teacher Researchers
This is a very partial list and will be added to throughout the coming months. If there is a journal you would like to add to this list. Please contact the M.Ed. Program Director Alan Amtzis
The Educational Forum
Scholarly journal published by Kappa Delta Pi, the international educational honor society, edited by Monica Taylor and Emily Klein of Monmouth University
The Record
Also published by Kappa Delta Pi, the international educational honor society, this journal is practice-based and targeted for teachers.
Cognition and Instruction
An interdisciplinary publication devoted to cognitive investigations of instruction and learning.
Journal for Civic Commitment
Dedicated to growing and strengthening the discussion around service learning, which connects the academic curriculum to service and civic engagement in communities, both locally and globally.
InSight: A Journal of Scholarly Teaching
InSight emphasizes the enhancement of post-secondary education through the professional exchange of scholarly approaches and perspectives applicable to the enrichment of teaching and learning.
The Journal of Classroom Interaction
Devoted to empirical investigations and theoretical papers dealing with observation techniques, research on student and teacher behavior, and other issues relevant to the domain of classroom interaction.
Journal of the Learning Sciences
Multidisciplinary forum for the presentation of cognitive research on teaching and learning.
Learning and Individual Differences
Devoted to publishing articles that contribute to an understanding of individual differences within an educational context.
Learning and Instruction
Multi-disciplinary journal that provides a platform for the publication of the research in the areas of learning, development, instruction and teaching.
Mind, Brain, and Education
Mind, Brain, and Education (MBE) publishes peer-reviewed articles concerned with brain and behavioral issues relevant to the broad field of education. MBE provides a forum for the accessible presentation of basic and applied research on learning and development, including analyses from biology, cognitive science, and education.
Action in Teacher Education
Published by the Association of Teacher Educator, it serves as a forum for the exchange of information and ideas related to the improvement of teacher education at all levels. Articles focus upon concepts, practices, and research which have implications and applicability for practitioners involved with teacher education.
Publishes original investigations and theoretical papers dealing with worthwhile innovations in learning, teaching, and education. Preference is given to innovations in the school–proposed or actual- and theoretical or evaluative. Papers concern all levels and every area of education and learning. Education is primarily concerned with teacher preparation in all of its many aspects.
Journal of Education for Teaching
Publishes original contributions on the subject of teacher education.
Journal of Teacher Education
Leading teacher education toward the 21st century with timely, thorough articles written by expert practitioners.
Teacher Education and Special Education
Its purpose is to publish scholarly work that pertains to teacher preparation for special education.
Teacher Education Quarterly
Focuses on major, current topics in the preparation, study, and training of education professionals.
Teaching and Teacher Education
Concerned with teaching and teacher education in general, that is, teaching in any subject matter for students at any age or grade level.
American Educational Research JournalOriginal empirical and theoretical studies and analyses in education that constitute significant contributions to the understanding and/or improvement of educational processes and outcomes.
Reflective Practice
Reflection and reflexivity invite critical, sensitive examination of practice, exploration of principles, concepts and ideas, and development of thoughtful self-awareness.
Action Research
A comprehensive guide to action research for the practicing educator.
Contemporary Education Dialogue
The journal serves as an independent open forum for researchers and practitioners to sustain a critical engagement with issues in education by engendering a reflective space that nurtures the discipline and promotes inter-disciplinary perspectives.
Educational Researcher
The journal publishes scholarly articles that are of general significance to the education research community and that come from a wide range of areas of education research and related disciplines. ER aims to make major programmatic research and new findings of broad importance widely accessible.
Theory and Research in Education
This journal provides a much needed forum for rigorous, interdisciplinary discussion of pressing normative and theoretical issues concerning education.
Journal of Aesthetic Education
This journal focuses on clarifying the issues of aesthetic education understood in its most extensive meaning. Articles in this journal are related to articles philosophical aesthetics and education, problem areas in education critical to arts and humanities at all institutional levels, an understanding of the aesthetic import of the new communications media and environmental aesthetics, and an understanding of the aesthetic character of humanistic disciplines.